Български English

Participation in the Seminar in Burgas for the Duration of 2nd – 4th of April 2015

Representatives of the Non-Profit Organization Association “Demetra” took part in a training seminar on “Strategic Planning and Civil Advocacy. Participation of civil groups in the development and change of public policies” which took place in hotel “Burgas” in the city of Burgas for the duration of 2nd to 4th of April 2015. This seminar was within the project “Strategic Planning and Advocacy: Tools for more effective involvement of NGOs in Decision Making and Dialogue with Local Authorities. The project is funded under the program to support NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2014 and it is implemented by the Institute for Regional and International Studies.

The seminar was attended by other NOGs actively working with youth on the territory of the Burgas region.

During this seminar the lectors presented in a extraordinary way the basic mechanism of strategic planning, advocacy, work with the media, and development of a media strategy as an essential part of the advocacy campaign.





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25 years Association Demetra

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