Association “Demetra” is registered in the Burgas Regional Court in 1997 as a non-profit association under the public benefit under the Law for Non-Profit Organizations.
Following the made changes the registration address is city of Burgas, 102A Sheinovo Street. The association is managed by a Management Board, consisting of three members, chaired by Ana Dimitrova Burieva – predicted by statute from year 2010.
The association is registered on 18.11.1997 with subsequent re-registration in 2002, 2007, 2008, and 2010.
During the years of its existence the association has actively participated in the lobbying and adoption of the law for protection from domestic violence, its implementation, carried out programs for education of specialists working in this field such as police officers, prosecutors, judges, social workers, etc. We have also provided a variety of services and programs for work with violent perpetrators.
The organization also actively works in combating human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and violence based on gender.
Association “Demetra” is part of the Alliance for protection from violence based on gender.
- In 2008 through program PHARE a crisis center “Crisis Center for Children and Adults Survivors of Violence” in the city of Burgas was developed.
- In 2009 based on a three-sided agreement between Burgas Municipality, Regional Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior Burgas, and Association “Demetra” the “Center for Prevention of Violence and Crime” was developed and started its active work.
- In 2012 based on a competition procedure a contract was signed with Municipality Burgas for management of social services in the community – state-delegated activities “Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration” for individual’s victims of violence in Municipality Burgas. This center combines activities of the Center for Prevention of Violence and Crime in the city of Burgas.
- In 2014 after participation in competition procedure and signed contract with Municipality Sredets the organization took over the management of state-delegated activities in “Crisis Center for Children Victims of Violence” in the city of Sredets.